
Saturday 7 April 2007

You did a pee

7th May 2005

4 momentous events happened this week 1, you were registered with the Spanish authorities, 2 you are already 1 month old, 3 you peed and were sick all over me at the same time and finally number 4, Tony Blair won the election in the UK for the third time in a row.

We took you shopping today in El Cortes Englais, we were looking for a sterilising unit for your bottles etc. You were very well behaved. You slept for most of the time. When you did wake up, mummy left us both in the ground floor café. I got to feed you a bottle of formula milk. All the women in the café could barely keep their eyes off of you.
All we bought in the end we was a portable changing mat and a couple of t-shirts for mummy. Ironically the changing mat is covered with Winnie the pooh. Soon to be covered with Thomas’s poo.

Before we came home we all had lunch in a tai restaurant, it was very, very good. Tai food is mum’s favourite food. My favourite food is chocolate. I absolutely love chocolate.

Thomas, Penny has a new favourite game. Last night she saw a little lizard hanging happily up side down on the roof of our terrace. This type of small lizard is called a Gecko. Gecko’s are almost transparent, that means you can almost see through them. Penny spotted the lizard and was completely transfixed by what she saw. She sat staring at the lizard for about four hours. Thomas that is a lot of staring. The lizard never moved a muscle, it just sat there waiting for the next mosquito come along. Penny only stopped looking at the lizard when we all went to bed.

Mummy and I are going out for dinner tonight with George who lives next door to us. You and penny will be looked after at grandma and grandpa’s house.

14th May 2004

Thomas here we both are sitting outside our house on our terrace on another beautiful Spanish spring day. You are sitting in your bugaboo having a sleep and I am drinking a glass of fizzy water just watching the world go by and typing this.
We all went out for tapas last night. Andrew. Pia, You, Me, mummy, grandma and granddad penny stayed at home as she looked a bit exhausted. You wore a dark blue outfit from Baby Gap. It was the second time Andrew (Mum’s brother) has travelled here to see you and the first time for Pia. Andrew and Pia both work for Disney. They brought you a Winnie the pooh night light, a book about a purple Zebra who paints and your stuffed lion Lionel.
The restaurant was near the old town in Marbella. It was called Venencia. It was busy with lots of Spanish family’s out for a meal. Spain is different from the UK in many ways. One way we notice most is the attitude towards children. Here in Spain the children are welcome in nearly all restaurants and are included, in the UK it is the complete opposite. It was a warm evening so we all sat outside. Mummy had her favourite fish. This fish is called Rosada and it is a little like cod. We have it grilled and served with potatoes and a salad.

Since you were born you have grown an additional 3cm in length and put on an additional 300 grams. Andrew and Pia are staying at grandma’s and granddad’s flat on the beach.
You were not very well yesterday. We changed your formula milk to a Soya based product on the advise of our paediatrician . It smells absolutely awful and it has made you constipated. Mum had been very sleepy so I said that she should get some sleep and I would look after you for a couple of hours. Thomas it was only two hours. You peed on me 5 times. I did not want to disturb mummy by getting some clean clothes from our bedroom, so I just put on what I could find. After you had peed on both pairs of my clean jeans and then you peed on my work jeans , I had run out of clothing, I had to resort to wearing a pair of your mummy’s shorts from the laundry basket in the kitchen. Luckily you had stretched them when you were in mummy’s tummy and they just about fitted me. Tragically for me the shorts are a sort of purple. When mummy got up and found us lying on the couch, me in her shorts and a dirty t-shirt, you just in a nappy she laughed and laughed. I love to hear your mum laugh. She has a musical laugh that brightens my whole life up when I hear it. If I am sad it makes me happy and if I am happy it makes me even more happy.
Last night you were up from3am to 5am. The only thing we could do to comfort you was to lie you on my chest in bed. You were very snug under the warm duvet and went to sleep in 3 minutes flat. I could not move a muscle between 5am and 8am. I could not even go to sleep in case you fell off of me and on to the floor.
We all went out this morning to meet Pia and Andrew for a coffee at the cinema on the passeo. As always you were very good and lots of people gave you a smile. We watched a boy showing of on his BMX bike. He fell off it and rolled down the short flight of marble steps in front of the cafe we were sitting at. He was okay. Just a little embarrassed. I did a little bit of musical laughing myself.
Pia and mum went up stairs to see the new gym that will be opening in the cinema building. It was very expensive to join plus120 euros per month for membership.
We have started to listen to Edith Piaff, whilst you are in your bath. You really like her a lot. She started singing in the 1930’s and was French, I think. I thought she was known as ‘the little parrot’ but granddad assures me it is in fact the ‘the little sparrow’

15th May 2005

We met Lucy and Darren today. They have come over from England to stay at uncle Andrew’s and Aunt Ruth’s flat in Marbella. Lucy is one of Aunt Ruth’s Sisters. We all met them for a coffee in our usual place on the passeo. Lucy is a specialist nurse specialising in gynaecology and her husband Darren works for the council, in the housing benefit section. They brought you a little present, your first rattle. Penny was very interested in the rattle and would have chewed it to bits if she had been allowed. Mummy put the new rattle in her handbag and before we knew it Penny was diving head first into the bag chasing your rattle, mummy saved it.

20th May 2005

Another beautiful warm day. When I got home from work, we all piled into the car, and went to see Dr. Paxad. He was the gynaecologist who treaded mummy through her pregnancy. He is German and quite friendly.
Last night we all went for a tai meal in Marbella. It was warm and sunny everywhere but the restaurant we were eating at was in the shade and an cold wind was blowing towards us. I had to eat my meal with you balanced on my lap, sucking on your bottle. You were very well behaved indeed and we can go again. You got somewhat covered in Tai food. I made more of a mess than you. We came home and you had your first bath with me. You liked it and looked a little like a tadpole. You are so flexible that you can move side to side like a little fish. You make us laugh so much, you really fill our lives to the brim with love.

27th may 2005

We are both sitting outside on our terrace, we are listening to Beth Orton as I type.
You gave us our first smile this week. You smiled for grandma and we even managed to get a photograph of the moment.
Me-ma and Pee-pa have come to stay. They are staying for a week or so. They have driven all the way to here just to see you. They live in Portugal, Pee-pa is great with you. He talks to you and carries you about all the time and you seen very happy. They both just love you so much it is very sweet to see how much fuss that they make over you.
Me-ma has been teaching mum how to breast feed in different positions. You are a lucky boy to have two sets of such loving grand parents.
As usual you got loads of presents, you are lying under your new blanket from Trudy and Nigel.
We all went out for tapas last night. You cried through the whole meal. You were suffering from wind and it was so upsetting to see you in pain. Mum and I took turns walking you around the streets outside the restaurant to try and calm you. Eventually mummy decided to breast feed you in the back of the restaurant and this did the trick, you fell asleep just in time to go home.

I guess I should tell you a little bit about me. I was born in Scotland in 1964 in a small town called Dundee, which is on the east coast, in a hospital called the Royal Infirmary. My dad was a carpenter and my mum worked as a secretary for a company called ‘Kellers’. Kellers made sweets and jam.
We came to live in Richmond when I was about 4 years old. I went to a school in Richmond called Saint John’s. The school was located next to the orange tree pub near the railway station. It was a very old fashioned school with windows high up in the walls and only one huge class room. I wore a brown uniform with a little brown cap with a yellow stags head on it.
We lived in the top half of a smallish house in Jocelyn Road. Our land lord was an actor, who was quite famous for a while. He played the son of the family in a television series called ‘Upstairs Downstairs’.
The house was opposite a church and I liked living there. I learnt to ride my first bike in that street.

12th June 05

Guess what, the French and Dutch people voted against the new European constitution last week. You can not imagine the shock it has caused all over Europe. People are even talking about scrapping the euro.
You have had your vaccinations this week. Mum took you to the doctors and the deed was done. When I came home from work you were sporting a couple of plasters on your tiny little bottom. You now weigh 6.1 kilos and are 61cm long. You are the size of a baby a month older than you.
People who accidentally reverse over their children (it happen quite a lot) must feel so guilty cause we let you get a bite from a mosquito on your leg and we feel guilty in the extreme.
You are now smiling lots and lots. You have even started to try and laugh.
Me-ma and Pee-pa bought you an activity gym. This is a fantastic thing. You lie on it and look at a bunch of animals that hand over you on two curved sticks. You cannot imagine how much fun you have on this thing. It also has music built in (Mozart) and flashing lights.
You peed in my mouth this week. We were both in the bath and you pulled a funny face and I leant over to give to a little kiss and you just peed in my mouth. Your mother was convulsed with laughter I did not find it quite so hysterically amusing.

13th June 2005-06-13

Here we both are sitting outside once again. I have a day off from work today as it is the Queen’s birthday. We are listening to Lloyd Cole on itunes. This is after his Lloyd Cole and the Commotions phase. We have just been for a beautiful walk with Penny around the mountain. It is June now and the temperature is climbing higher and higher and the sky is becoming so blue. You like looking at all the trees as we walk past. You do not fall asleep on the walks so much now, you take a real interest in everything from the trees to dogs barking. You were at your most smiley ever this morning.
My family moved to London when I was 4 years old. As I have already mentioned we lived in Richmond . Just before we lived in Richmond we moved to a little town called Weybridge. I do not have many memories of Weybridge apart from seeing the only red squirrel I have ever seen and being bought a train set for Christmas. It was an intercity 125 set, with a blue and yellow train.
After living in Weybridge for a little while we moved to Richmond and after about a year or so we moved to our new house in Twickenham. This house cost my dad £8000.00 which to you sounds like nothing I am sure, but back then it was a huge, huge amount of money.
My dad was a time served carpenter. He was the best carpenter I have ever met and one of the hardest, toughest men. Latter on in my life when I was his apprentice learning how to become a carpenter, I can honestly say to you, it was one of the happiest parts of my life. I owe him a huge debt of gratitude for everything he taught me. He taught me everything.
So Thomas, after St John’s school in Richmond I went to Chatsworth Junior School in Hounslow. I was happy at this school. After Chatsworth Junior School I went to Heathland Secondary School again in Hounslow. This school was great. I used to run for the school and play football and basketball. The school was on Hounslow Heath, the heath was famous for having Dick Turpin as a highway man and for being the location of the first airport in London. That is why Heathrow airport got the heath part of it’s name.

14th June2005

You do not sleep. You can stay awake for hours and hours at a time. You don’t cry you just sit around looking cute and demanding attention from everybody in the house. All the how to be parents books tell us that you sleep for approximately eighteen hours a day. So, so wrong Mr Wide-awake.

6th July 2005
London has been awarded the Olympic Games for 2012. This is fantastic news as everyone expected the French to win the games for Paris. The French President made some stupid remarks about the stae of British cooking and said the only cuisine worse was the Finnish. People blame him for losing his country the games

9th July 2004

Well we have all been so busy. I got a promotion at work and start my new job on the 11th of july. I am now Senior Contracts Manager for Dew Construction Gibraltar Limited. This mean I have reasponsibility for all operational activities in Gibraltar. I get a company car now. This means that you and mum can now have the Golf, instead of the old Nissan Sunny.
Mummy is very pleased about this as the Nissan broke down yesterday in the underground car park in Marbella. So you both had a bit of a struggle getting home.
You are now 7.8 kilos. This is the same size as a six month old baby. You are double the average size for your age. We have been told this will all sort itself out, which is good because we do not want a 3.2m tall 16 year old stomping about the house.
You, Penny and mum will be going to Portugal next Friday to see Pee pa and Mee ma. I will miss you all so much but it is only for one week.
There was a terrorist attack in London on the 7th of july. Lots of people were killed on the buses and the tube. Over 50 people lost their life because of the intolerance in the world.
The G 8 Summit was held in Glen Eagles this week. Tony Blair was the chairman and the main item on the agenda was poverty in Africa and trying to find a way to write off the debt the African countrys owe the developed world.

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